Dot All 2018 Conference Recap & Analysis, Live from Berlin!

Oct. 1, 2018, 10:21 a.m. (6 years, 5 months ago)

The crew recaps the Dot All 2018 Conference in Berlin, Germany… joined by Ben Croker and Oliver Stark from fortrabbit. We discuss and analyze the news announced at the Dot All 2018 conference such as Craft CMS 3.1, Craft Commerce 2, Craft Commerce Lite, the new plugin store and more!

We also discuss the talks that we heard, in terms of what talks we found memorable. The videos of all of them will be published for those who were unable to attend, or want to see them again. We delve into the benefits of meeting up with your peers, and how the conference is really about the people & connections.

We hope you’ll forgive the slight audio quality issues due to our impromptu recording studio, and enjoy the content!

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