Standup - "Tourist Devs"

Feb. 28, 2022, 5 a.m. (2 years, 11 months ago)

Grab your go-bag, folks! Ryan Irelan & Andrew record another devMode standup where we talk about the nexus between all-inclusive resorts, and “Tourist Devs”.

You see it on tech Twitter all the time: how realistic is the ever-changing parade of shiny new technologies you see touted? Do you need to keep up with the Joneses?

We explain in simple terms what a “reverse proxy” is, and how it differs from a regular old proxy, how to make learning web development easier, then segue into talking about hiking & running!

We also go on to discuss the benefits of contributing to OSS projects, even if you’re a little hesitant or getting your feet wet as a contributor.

Ryan also discusses the most weighty problem he has: the dreaded yellow dot!

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