What's new in Craft CMS 3.5 & what's coming in 4.0!

Aug. 24, 2020, 4 a.m. (4 years, 5 months ago)

On this episode, we talk with Brandon Kelly & Leah Stephenson from Pixel & Tonic about all the fancy new features in the recently released Craft CMS 3.5!

We talk about the new Field Layout Designer, support for GraphQL mutations, accessibility improvements, a greatly enhanced Project Config, and a ton more!

Ryan Irelan also joins us to talk about what’s coming in Craft CMS 4 (or is it 3.6?). Conditional fields, matrix in matrix, long-form content editor, and more!

Finally, we ask everyone (Brandon & Leah included!) if they could pick one feature they want for Craft CMS 4, what would it be?

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