587: Triple Fedora Taste-Test
Nov. 4, 2024, 2:41 a.m. (4 months ago)
Fedora 41 is here! We break down the best new features, then branch out for a three-way spin showdown. Which flavor will come out on top?
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- 1Password Extended Access Management: 1Password Extended Access Management is a device trust solution for companies with Okta, and they ensure that if a device isn't trusted and secure, it can't log into your cloud apps.
- 💥 Gets Sats Quick and Easy with Strike
- Flock 2024 Introducing Fedora Miracle, a proposed Fedora spin built on Mir - YouTube
- miracle-wm-org/miracle-wm — Miracle is a Wayland tiling window manager built on Mir
- miracle-wm
- miracle-wm wiki
- Roadmap - miracle-wm wiki
- nwg-piotr/nwg-shell — Installer & meta-package for the nwg-shell project: a GTK3-based shell for sway and Hyprland Wayland compositors
- nwg-shell - a GTK3-based shell for sway and Hyprland Wayland compositors
- fast fedora 41 mirror
- What’s new for Fedora Atomic Desktops in Fedora 41 - Siosm’s blog — With Fedora 41, we are now building two new unofficial images: Kinoite Mobile and COSMIC Atomic. They join our other unofficial images: XFCE Atomic and LXQt Atomic.
- bootupd change
- bootupd GitHub
- containers/bootc — Boot and upgrade via container images
- Introduction - bootc docs
- Modifying Kernel Arguments :: Fedora Docs
- Getting Started with Bootable Containers :: Fedora Docs
- Booting local builds - bootc docs
- fedora-ostree-desktops Registry
- Annual Membership — Put your support on automatic with our annual plan, and get one month of membership for free!
- asahi-audio - Fedora Packages
- AsahiLinux/asahi-audio: Userspace audio for Asahi Linux — PipeWire and WirePlumber DSP profiles and configurations tod rive the speaker arrays in Apple Silicon laptops and desktops.
- AAA gaming on Asahi Linux — We’re thrilled to release our Asahi game playing toolkit, which integrates our Vulkan 1.3 drivers with x86 emulation and Windows compatibility. Plus a bonus: conformant OpenCL 3.0.
- Wine
- vkd3d-proton
- muvm
- holesail
- eikosiena's nixtcloud
- Emerald Coast Linux User Group
- Fedora Media Writer
- FedoraQt/MediaWriter — A tool to create a live USB drive with an edition of Fedora
- Preparing Boot Media - Fedora Docs
- GDM Settings
- GDM Settings Web Site — Customize your login screen
- Web Apps
- eyekay/webapps source — Install websites as desktop apps, so that they appear in their own windows separate from any browsers installed. This is similar to the "Install as App" feature found in popular web browsers.
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