Advocating for Junior Devs, Hotwire and HTMX

March 12, 2021, 1 p.m. (4 years ago)

[00:04:17] Chris asks the guys if they submitted a talk to RailsConf 2021. Andrew tells us about a virtual talk at a meetup he’s giving in June.

[00:08:53] Chris tells us about something he helped start a long time ago called LaunchCode.

[00:11:58] Find out what Chris’s submission to RailConf 2021 is on.


[00:16:54] Chris helps Andrew understand Turbo better.


[00:25:40] Jason talks about wondering what it would be like to shove turbo into React Native since he’s built stuff in it. Chris shares his ideas.


[00:28:11] Andrew asks Chris if you can use Turbo to build a PWA. Jason tells us about a PWA he built once.

[00:31:15] Jason brings up htmx and asks the guys if they are familiar with it.


[00:35:26] The guys chat about JSON and another version of it.

[00:37:21] Andrew talks about how he put Turbo on is website since he was rebuilding it. He was also wondering in Rails7 if they are going to remove Rails UJS, and if so, that is going to majorly change the upgrade or the feasibility of the upgrade as well. Chris shares some ideas.

[00:41:28] Andrew explains how DHH talked about if you’re building libraries, TypeScript is awesome, and also mentions a book by Noel Rappin.


[00:45:38] Andrew and Chris talk about the importance of learning to write better Ruby to solve problems.


Jason Charnes

Chris Oliver

Andrew Mason




RailsConf 2021


Action Mailbox 



React Native-GitHub



Modern Front-End Development for Rails: Webpacker, Stimulus, and React By Noel Rappin (Pre-order) 

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