AI and Coding - Is Github Co-Pilot Worth It?

Sept. 19, 2022, 10 a.m. (2 years, 5 months ago)

In this Hasty Treat, Scott and Wes talk all about GitHub Co-Pilot and whether it’s ethical, secure, worth it, gonna make you dumb, just going to get in your way, or the greatest thing for programmers to use.

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From controlling chaotic workflows to maintaining stable code, there’s a lot that can drive a developer mad. We’re hosting DEX, the conference for developers by developers, to give us all a chance to come together and sort through that madness.

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Sentry Dex conference is a free, one-day event to share best practices, epic fails, and seasoned insights on how to improve productivity.

From controlling chaotic workflows to maintaining stable code, there’s a lot that can drive a developer mad. We’re hosting DEX, the conference for developers by developers, to give us all a chance to come together and sort through that madness.

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