Think FaaS with Trek10

Think FaaS with Trek10

Learn about the world of serverless computing in less time than it takes to run an AWS Lambda function to run.

Think FaaS with Trek10 Podcast Episodes (Page 3)

Reasons Not To Serverless
Serverless is not a silver bullet. Forrest explains several edge cases where serverless computing doesn't (yet) make sense, and introduces the principle of "least compute possible"...
5 years, 10 months ago
We Need To Talk About Multicloud
The Multi-cloud vision, since the early days of public cloud, has been built up to be a promised-land at the intersection of scale-economics and vendor-agnosticism...
5 years, 11 months ago
Serverless Service Discovery
Forrest helps you navigate the murky waters of service discovery for serverless apps in AWS (and learn why Lambda environment variables can be so dangerous)!..
5 years, 11 months ago
Five Serverless Fallacies (And How To Avoid Them)
Forrest looks past the hype to provide real talk on 'walled gardens', scalability, and more common misperceptions about serverless technologies...
6 years ago
Why We're Excited About AWS AppSync
Forrest breaks down AWS AppSync, the death of the 'middle tier', and the future of back-end development in the serverless world...
6 years ago
View from the AWS San Francisco Summit
AWS had about 9,000 people in house, a packed expo hall, and a whole slate of new feature and service announcements for the San Francisco Summit. Let's break down some key takeaways...
6 years, 1 month ago
Serverless Use Cases: The REST of the Story
Serverless is often used hand in hand with building APIs whether they be RESTful, GraphQl, or what have you. While this is a typical use case, let's look at other useful ways we can leverage serverless...
6 years, 1 month ago
Zip It And Ship It - Serverless Deployments on AWS
AWS SAM and the Serverless Framework go head to head in our latest five-minute episode, where we discuss the challenges of deploying complex serverless apps on AWS...
6 years, 1 month ago
Performance Considerations of Serverless
Cold starts, concurrency limits, traffic spikes, or database connection pooling, everyone at some point has to at least consider performance in serverless systems at scale...
6 years, 1 month ago
The Cost of Doing Business
If you want to go serverless, you have to show why it helps your business win. And one way we can answer that question, not the only way, is by looking at cost...
6 years, 2 months ago