EP478 – 6.5: It’s Alive! (Almost)

March 28, 2024, 5:21 p.m. (10 months, 3 weeks ago)

On this episode of WPwatercooler, the panel, including Jason Tucker, Sé Reed, Jason Cosper, and guest Courtney Robertson, delve into the much-anticipated WordPress 6.5 release. Courtney, serving as the episode’s expert, outlines the significant changes and features coming with the update, emphasizing the introduction of the font library for block themes, improvements in image handling, and enhancements for developers such as block hooks and the interactivity API. The discussion also covers practical tips for WordPress users and developers to prepare for the update, highlighting the importance of compatibility testing and the benefits of the new features in enhancing site design and functionality.


00:00 Intro and Episode Introduction
00:08 Introduction of Panel and Episode Theme
01:07 Guest Introduction: Courtney Robertson
02:30 Discussion on WordPress 6.5 Features and Updates
04:25 Deep Dive into the Font Library for WordPress 6.5
10:00 Enhancements in Image Handling and New Formats
15:45 Introduction of Block Hooks for Developers
20:30 Overview of the Interactivity API
25:00 Plugin Dependencies and the New Rollback Feature
30:00 Enhancements to Custom Fields and Meta Data
35:00 Preparing for WordPress 6.5: Tips and Best Practices
45:00 Final Thoughts and Closing Remarks



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