WPblab EP73 – WordPress Freelancers: Optimize Your Time With Social Tools

May 18, 2017, 8:16 p.m. (7 years, 2 months ago)
This week on WPblab Bridget Willard and Jason Tucker will be discussing the ways in which you can manage social media using 3rd party tools to help you the WordPress freelancer spend less time doing more.

* Sharing buttons on your blog/site are super important – not everyone is going to have or install extensions to help them share your posts

* Facebook https://developers.facebook.com/tools/debug/
* Twitter https://cards-dev.twitter.com/validator
* Mashshare https://wordpress.org/plugins/mashsharer/ — social media share buttons
* Social Warfare https://wordpress.org/plugins/social-warfare/

* Yoast SEO Plugin — Allow Open Graph Data (Social Settings — Enable Facebook)

* Don’t install with another SEO plugin, just use it by itself!

* Make sure to use and update your metadata!!
* Don’t forget your feature images

* Use iOS to grab the featured image on a iPhone or iPad https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/imagedrain-download-all-images-from-safari/id932866396?mt=8

* Buffer.com — Social sharing and scheduling for Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, Google Plus

* Even the free account will allow you to set a schedule
* shares your content at the best possible times throughout the day so that your followers and fans see your updates more often
* Can choose to share posts immediately or save it to your queue
* 10 social profiles in the Awesome Plan for $10/mo
* https://buffer.com/awesome?utm_campaign=footer
* Supports campaign tracking and analytics
* ReBuffer – find what’s performing well and reschedule it for posting again!

* Using the right tools for the right reasons is how you optimize your time
* Automation vs. Scheduling – automation does not involve human interaction, scheduling is a human carefully crafting posts and setting them up for optimal times

* https://2017.atlanta.wordcamp.org/session/smarter-social-sharing-for-killer-content-marketing/

* Hootsuite.com / Hootsuite Pro is $14.99

* (Bridget’s affiliate link: http://signup.hootsuite.com/signup-upgrade/?utm_campaign=partner_commission_junction&utm_source=commission_junction&utm_medium=partner )
* Will either automatically schedule posts or you can choose a time

* Link Shortening: Bitly.com

* Branded short domains from Bitly – https://bitly.com/pages/landing/branded-short-domains-powered-by-bitly?

* Question: Scheduling Tweets, why do them at different times?


“Dispatch Content with Intention #GuruMinute”
* How to Post to Instagram and Twitter

* Keep social media content relative to the network your own – be aware of your venue

* i.e.

See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information.

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