

ArangoDB is a production ready highly available Multi-Model NoSQL database.

What data models are supported by ArangoDB?

ArangoDB multi-model database supporting key-value, document and graph database models.

What is a key-value database?

A key-value database is a type of NoSQL database that uses key-value pairs to store data. This method of storing and retrieving data is known to scale extremely well. Key-value Databases are also known as Key-value stores.

What is a document database?

Document Database, also know as document store is a nonrelational database management system that stores data in a semi-structured data as documents on disk. The data inside a document store is usually represented as JSON documents and can be used to make persistent data by using the same document structure within the application code itself.

What is a graph database?

A graph database is a database management system uses graphs to treat the relationship between the data as valuable as the data itself. To where relational databases store relationships with foreign-keys and join tables a graph database uses nodes to hold data without constricting it to a pre-defined model.

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