GraphQL is a data query and manipulation language specifically designed for API usage. The language was developed by Facebook back in 2012 and later open-sourced and released publicly in 2015 under MIT license. Today the project is developed and maintained by the GraphQL Foundation. What is GraphQL used for?
GraphQL is a modern way to interact with APIs, it allows you to more effectively query data from single endpoints. Rather than doing it the REST way and splitting up your API in multiple API endpoints containing specific data, graphQL can query any endpoint in an effective manner and only retrieve data that is needed for the specific use-case. This makes management of applications more sustainable and less cooperation between backend and frontend teams are required. GraphQL is used by many companies including Facebook, Shopify, Pinterest, Github and Coursera to improve development and achieve better performance.
Is GraphQL a database?
GraphQL is a query language designed for APIs. So it is not a database, nor is it used to query data from a database, it used to query the API itself. Rather than retrieving all data from an API endpoint, with graphQL developer can retrieve only the part of the data necessary for the feature they are building. Which leads to better response time for the application or use-case, and a better performing API that use less resources overall.
Is GraphQL free to use?
GraphQL is open source and licensed under the MIT License. Which makes graphQL free to use for non-commercial and commercial project alike, in accordance with the specifications of the MIT License.
Is GraphQL open source?
GraphQL is openly developed by the GraphQL Foundation, and is open-sourced under the MIT License.
Is GraphQL JSON?
GraphQL's syntax is inspired by JSON but it is not JSON. However most GraphQL services commonly responds using JSON, while the specs does not require it. As the GraphQL syntax was inspired by JSON developers will easily pickup the new syntax provided by GraphQL.
Is GraphQL RESTful?
Both, REST and GraphQL, are API design architectures which can be used to build web services for data-driven applications. In this tutorial you've learned the main difference between those two concepts. The RESTful approach is always limited to deal with single resources
Is GraphQL faster than REST?
The way you query an API with GraphQL can make it faster, since GraphQL allow you to specify exactly what data to fetch from an API endpoint rather than retrieving all of it as a default. However REST API endpoints can be designed for specific use-case and perform just as well. However some of the beauty of GraphQL lies in the ability for a backend developer to simple hand out a generic API endpoint and let the frontend developer query just data he or she needs without understanding the technical details of the backend.
Does GraphQL use HTTP?
GraphQL uses HTTP, all web-based applications does.
Is GraphQL a language?
Yes, GraphQL is a query language used to query API specific data.
How is GraphQL API different from REST API?
A REST api requires the use of multiple API endpoints to stay performant. While GraphQL only require one endpoint that can be queried for specific use-cases.
What is GraphiQL?
GraphiQL is GraphQL's integrated development environment (IDE). It’s a powerful tool that can be used to browse an API in real-time, so that the developer can get a better understanding of the API's structure. Think of it as a browsable api, similar to tools like Swagger.