
Go Tutorials

We found 1 Go Tutorials
How to Install Go on Linux
How to Install Go on Linux
Download the latest Linux version of Go You can download the latest binary from https://go.dev/dl/ Extract the archive you downloaded into /usr/local, creating a Go tree in /usr/local/go. Important: This step will remove a previous installation at /usr/local/go, if any, prior to extr...

Go Tutorials

Tutorials are a fantastic medium for learning and gather quick knowledge about a specific topic. In total, our community has published 1 tutorials about Go. These tutorials can be read to get a better understand of how Go works. All Go Tutorials on this page are rated by the communtiy so that you are presented with the best content possible. New articles will instantly be added to this list as they are written and published by community members.


Go (Golang) is a programming language that is statically typed and compiled. The language was designed by Robert Griesemer, Rob Pike, and Ken Thompson at Google. Go compiles down to machine code which makes the language really fast. On top of that, the language provides garbage collection, memory safety, and structural typing, along with CSP-style concurrency. The language share many syntactically similarities with C and C++, which makes it easy to pickup by people working with similar languages.