PHP is a widely-used open source general-purpose scripting language designed for web development which can also be used as a general-purpose language. in 1994 Rasmus Lerdorf introduced PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor) to the world and since then it has become one of the most used languages on the web, powering open source content management systems like WordPress and commercial software like the social network Facebook. The open source language is today managed by The PHP Group and its contributors.
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What even is PHP?
On this episode hosted by Jennifer Blumberg with guest Matthias Noback, we continue the “What is even…?” series by delving into exactly what even is PHP? We talk about PHP’s origins, how PHP works from request to php-fpm worker processes to lexer to bytecode to JIT, the whole shebang
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#094 Porque PYTHON É MELHOR que PHP? - Podcast DevPro
Eu gosto mesmo é de polêmica hehehehe... Quando há uma comparação entre duas ou mais linguagens, ativamos o modo COMPETIÇÃO, não é mesmo? Hoje eu quero colocar várias perguntas na sua cabeça... Porque Python ao invés de PHP? Será que é mais fácil Python mesmo? Onde existem mais vagas?
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Taylor Otwell, creator of the Laravel Framework
[00:01:12] We start with Taylor explaining where Laravel came from. [00:03:32] Taylor tells us what Laravel 1.0 looks like and more about validations happening at the controller layer.[00:07:18] After version 1 comes out, Jason asks Taylor if he’s still at the trucking company and wh
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Learning in Public | Alpine & Inertia
[00:00:42] Andrew gives us an update if he finished his JavaScript framework he was working on, and he tells us why he chooses to use Alpine over Stimulus. [00:03:45] Find out about a method that Bridgetown has called jsonify and what it does. [00:04:55] Jason tells us since he’s bee
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We're Back! Southeast Ruby, Rails 5.2.1, Hanami 1.3.beta1, NodeJS, and Laravel
Southeast RubySoutheast SolidusRails 5.2.1Hanami 1.3.0.beta1NodeJSLaravelLaravel Nova Jason Charnes X/Twitter Chris Oliver X/Twitter Andrew Mason X/Twitter