Ruby on Rails

Ruby on Rails Podcasts

We found 15 Ruby on Rails Podcasts
Benedikt Deicke on Ember.js, Database Optimizations, and more
[00:01:51] Jason and Chris discuss the launching of Hatchbox v2. [00:05:54] Benedikt tells us about himself and what he does.[00:06:55] We learn when Benedikt started using Ember, how long he’s been building Userlist, and if he had experience working in Rails API mode with Ember.[00:09:54] Benedikt explains what the process of scaffolding looks lik..
2 years, 5 months ago
Load Testing Rails Applications & Rails Conferences
[00:02:15] Jason shares some interesting news that happened at Podia that involves Harry Connick Jr. and load testing. [00:05:54] Chris tells us a story about his first Rails job which was building a website for Justin Timberlake’s 901Tequila.[00:07:08] Jason tells us about a tool they used called k6. [00:18:11] Chris and Jason chat about query tim..
2 years, 10 months ago
Now We're A Webpacker Podcast
[00:01:42] Last week the guys discussed using Inertia, and Jason tell us he’s been doing more Inertia and messing with forms, “axios” is explained, and using validation.  [00:10:18] Jason talks about showing  some people what he’s been doing with Inertia and someone asked him how he was going to handle flash. Jason tells us what he did, and Andrew ..
3 years, 6 months ago
Learning in Public | Alpine & Inertia
[00:00:42] Andrew gives us an update if he finished his JavaScript framework he was working on, and he tells us why he chooses to use Alpine over Stimulus.  [00:03:45] Find out about a method that Bridgetown has called jsonify and what it does. [00:04:55] Jason tells us since he’s been low key back in action this week and he’s been trying out Inert..
3 years, 6 months ago
Advocating for Junior Devs, Hotwire and HTMX
[00:04:17] Chris asks the guys if they submitted a talk to RailsConf 2021. Andrew tells us about a virtual talk at a meetup he’s giving in June.[00:08:53] Chris tells us about something he helped start a long time ago called LaunchCode.[00:11:58] Find out what Chris’s submission to RailConf 2021 is on. [00:16:54] Chris helps Andrew understand Turbo..
3 years, 11 months ago
ViewComponent, Alpine.js, and embedding videos in ActionText
[00:04:43] Jason talks about “filtering” and how it relates to model scopes. [00:08:30] Speaking of fun side projects, Andrew asks the guys if they heard that Twilio and DEV are doing a Hackathon? There are lots of prizes and they are pretty good, but you need to do something to participate so find out here ☺ [00:12:46] Andrew brings up how View Co..
4 years, 10 months ago
Introducing Nate Hopkins, Working with ActionCable's API, Webpacker in Rails Engines, and Stimulus Reflex Updates
In this episode, we welcome Nate Hopkins to the sho, talk about ActionCable's API, discuss Jason's trouble with using JavaScript in a new Rails engine, get some updates from Nate on Stimulus Reflex, and Andrew shares experience with managing open source GitHub Action projects. Jason Charnes X/Twitter Chris Oliver X/Twitter Andrew Ma..
5 years, 2 months ago
Ruby on Rails & Django- David Heinemeier Hansson
David is the creator of Ruby on Rails. We discuss "batteries-included" web frameworks, maintaining an open source community, versioning, upgrades, and falling in love with a programming language...
5 years, 4 months ago
Jumpstart Pro and Building a SaaS App with Hanami
Jumpstart ProJumpstartHanami 1.3.1Hanami 2.0alpha1 Jason Charnes X/Twitter Chris Oliver X/Twitter Andrew Mason X/Twitter ..
5 years, 10 months ago
What else can Rails add by default?
Upgrading GitHub from Rails 3.2 to 5.2Introducing Action Text for Rails 6Built-in Authentication in LaravelHacktoberfestHacktoberfest Spam Jason Charnes X/Twitter Chris Oliver X/Twitter Andrew Mason X/Twitter ..
6 years, 4 months ago
Secret Project X, Payments in Rails, More Javascript 😅, and Mastodon
Pay GemLaravel CashierStimulus JS 1.1Robby Russell on TwitterRuby on Rails, Still?Parallel Tests GemKnapsack GemRuby Social on Mastodon Jason Charnes X/Twitter Chris Oliver X/Twitter Andrew Mason X/Twitter ..
6 years, 5 months ago
Rails 6 + Webpacker, Stimawesome, StimulusJS, and a Secret Project
Make Webpacker the default JavaScript compiler for Rails 6 AwesomeCodecation Jason Charnes X/Twitter Chris Oliver X/Twitter Andrew Mason X/Twitter ..
6 years, 6 months ago
We're Back! Southeast Ruby, Rails 5.2.1, Hanami 1.3.beta1, NodeJS, and Laravel
Southeast RubySoutheast SolidusRails 5.2.1Hanami 1.3.0.beta1NodeJSLaravelLaravel Nova Jason Charnes X/Twitter Chris Oliver X/Twitter Andrew Mason X/Twitter ..
6 years, 6 months ago
Github, Feedgate, and React Native/Rails APIs
GitHub's acquisitionMicrosoft SurfaceData Migrate GemThe Checklist ManifestoReact NativeExpo (for React Native)React NavigationRails API Only ApplicationsKnock GemDoorkeeper Gem Jason Charnes X/Twitter Chris Oliver X/Twitter Andrew Mason X/Twitter ..
6 years, 8 months ago
Hello, World!
PodiaGoRailsHatchBoxSoutheast RubyRuby 2.6.0-preview2Stripe's Ruby Type Checkerhttp.rbReact for Rails Developers Jason Charnes X/Twitter Chris Oliver X/Twitter Andrew Mason X/Twitter ..
6 years, 8 months ago

Ruby on Rails Podcasts

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Ruby on Rails

Ruby on Rails is a web application framework written in Ruby. The framework allows for an enjoyable development experience with fast development cycles.