Remote Ruby

Remote Ruby

<p>Three Rubyists having conversations and interviewing others about Ruby and web development.</p>

Remote Ruby Podcast Episodes (Page 14)

Ruby on the Apple M1 Max And Things You Expect To Be Fine But Arent
[00:00:32] Andrew tells us they shipped a new project at work this week they’ve been working on for a few months, and although it went pretty smoothly, he explains some bumps they had along the way and dealing with crunch time. Chris shares an issue and why he’s been postponing the launch of the new Hatchbox. [00:04:13] We hear more about propagati..
3 years ago
Destroy Async, Miss Hannigan, Wisper, and Parcel
[00:10:32] Jason tells us what he’s been working on this week and a problem with quickly deleting a record that has associations and callbacks.[00:13:53] We learn more about the gem Miss Hannigan.[00:16:15] Chris talks about whether or not to include soft deletes in the default scope, because you end up with gotchas, and Andrew tells us the importa..
3 years ago
Turbo Native & Hotwire - How Polywork Supercharges Development
[00:01:32] Joe, Chris, and Dylan tell us what they do at Polywork.[00:02:34] Joe shares things that make a good Rails Developer and what type of person would be best to join their team. [00:05:47] Find out all about Polywork. Andrew mentions checking out Brian Lovin’s Polywork page. [00:07:16] Joe tells us how they rebuilt the application on Rails ..
3 years, 1 month ago
Yuh-Jit - Optimizing JIT compiler built inside CRuby
[00:04:42] We find out if the guys done any stuff with Rails 7 yet and Chris tells us what’s been going on with it. [00:09:44] Chris asks the guys if they are using an encryption library, and Jason talks about using Lockbox and Symmetric Encryption. [00:14:08] Chris tells us more about progressive encryption in Rails 7. [00:15:11] The guys chat abo..
3 years, 1 month ago
Propshaft, Engines, and Turbo | Uh This Isn't a Car Repair Podcast
[00:00:50] The guys chat about the new release of Turbo 7.0.1.[00:01:46] Chris tells us how he moved all of the GoRails, CSS, and JavaScript from Webpacker into CSS and JS bundling, and it went pretty smooth except for something dumb he did. [00:04:50] Propshaft is brought up and we learn what it does.  [00:08:44] Why do we need the hashes at the e..
3 years, 1 month ago
Making Magic with ImageMagick
[00:03:38] Jason tells us about an interesting project he’s been working on this week with a Mockup Generator, and he’s on the Ruby side of it now. He tells us how he’s rendering the images on top of each other with a React component called Design.[00:09:29] Andrew asks Jason what happens if you have a P and G layer on top of a JPEG. Chris wonders ..
3 years, 1 month ago
Red Pill-Blue Pill and CSS Bundling
[00:03:19] Jason tells us about a side project he’s working on which is mostly JavaScript, but he’s also using ImageMagick.[00:04:46] Andrew gets off topic and asks the guys if they saw the trailer for The Matrix 4 and he reveals a fun fact about the website.  Chris asks the guys if they’ve watched any of the CSS bundling stuff that’s going on and ..
3 years, 1 month ago
Once you get it working, it works!
[00:03:52] Jason fills us in on how he’s building a pretty heavy JavaScript tool, using Vite, and a problem he had.  [00:11:04] We learn about some PR’s Jason around Webpacker on the GoRails discord  that had a solution for Jason’s problem. [00:13:50] Chris talks about “esbuild for Rails” and other approaches that are coming out right now with DHH’..
3 years, 2 months ago
Moving From Consulting To Products With Andrew Sabetta
[00:03:15] Andrew introduces himself, what he does, and more about the businesses that he started.[00:09:48] Chris asks Andrew what took him from PHP to Ruby.[00:12:22] Find out about the project Andrew did with Rails.[00:14:28] The conversation turns to talking about going from consulting, into wanting to build a product, and the transition being ..
3 years, 2 months ago
Kasper Timm Hansen from the Rails Core Team
[00:00:43] Jason and Chris chat about stripe-ruby-mock and Paddle. [00:03:23] Kasper tells about himself, what he’s doing now, and how he got into the Rails and Ruby stuff. [00:13:51] Chris asks Kasper if he has any thoughts on the depth that he has to put into thinking about every one of the PR’s which has to be quite a lot.[00:15:06] Chris brings..
3 years, 2 months ago